visual daytar in succession
daytar media art works
Remark: Most of the following artworks are java applets or java webstarts. As of 2020 the applets should -apart from some software artefacts- still be working if you install the appletviewer. The webstarts are currently a problem due to changes in the Jogl library
maniconeFinalIcon a java applet displaying an 4D avatar [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (03/2007)] >>more;
alphabetsoup Icon a java webstart application serving as a contemplation on letters in 3D [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (09/2006)] >>more;
Mahrzipanien Icon processing applet using fotos of claddings from Marzahn - a Berlin quarter in the east, showcase of east german socialism in the eighties. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (07/2006)] >>more;
ADDeye Icon Interactive 3D-graphics by daytar. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (05/2006)] >>more;
dippergalaxyflush is a processing applet and yes, it's a comment to the spore discussion.. :-). [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (04/2006)] >>more;
seidesein is a work which reflects on communication in virtual 3D space and networks. It is a larger body of work. It can be displayed in an installation or used on a homecomputer. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (03/2006)] >>more;
surrealey 3D thoughts on Leonardo da Vinci's vitruvian man. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (03/2006)] >>more;
surrealey Heinrich Heine's Loreley in a form inspired by Guillaume Apollinaire. A comment to generative typography using Metafont by D. E. Knuth. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (03/2006)] >>more;
radonge is a game similar to Sudoku and Hanjie games. However it is based on the inverse radon transform. In particular there exist a radonge game for any image (in contrast to Hanjie). The work serves as a comment to image perception. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (02/2006)] >>more;
isingEyes is the Ising model in daytars eyes. It is a processing applet. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (02/2006)] >>more;
EgoPong is a work connecting math, pong and life. There are two Pong versions: ToPong and EgoPong. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (01/2006)] >>more;
swing is a video loop. It is a "superposition" of (neverending) oszillations of different frequencies. One oszillation is given by a girl on a swing, another by mathematical transformations, the rest by music/sound. The oszillations may be thought as defining different timelines (regular ticks are providing a possibility to measure time). The mathematical transformations are linking time with space. [Nadja Kutz; sound/music: Tim Nikolai Hoffmann (09/2005)] >>more;
etugueScore is an interactive Java application. etuguesScore generates musical scores from images. Since music is timebased representations of music inherit automatically some kind of serial order. Images can also be perceived in a serial way. This allows for linking the code of images to the code of a score. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (02/2005)] >>more;
InKan is a video and a Java applet. The video is generated via mathematical transformations acting on an image. The underlying image is a newly drawn round version of Hokusai's "great wave at Kanagawa". By comparing the applet and the video it is perceived how the different relations between mathematical transformations and time alter the work. [Nadja Kutz (01/2005)] >>more;
InU2 is a videoloop. The video is generated via mathematical transformations acting on an image. Conceptionally it is similar to the below work In2. [Nadja Kutz (08/2004)] >>more;
In2 is a videoloop. The video is generated via mathematical transformations acting on an image. The transformations change the interpretation of the image, i.e. they change not only the image itself but also the iconographic aspect of the image. I.e. they tell a little story. [Nadja Kutz (07/2004)] >>more;
cloneGiz is an interactive java applet. The user can generate simple images in the cloneGiz-editor, but there is also a data base providing some prefabricated sample images. The sample images are Manga/No faces. The images/faces can be morphed together in a weighted morph. The user has to choose the morph-algorithm by entering a mathematical formula. Thus the user can try to "design" a certain face by altering the mathematical formula. Among others the applet serves thus as a comment to genetic design/engineering. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (03/2004)] >>more;
etugues is a java applet. The user can transform images (like from the internet) into music. Please see also the work etugueScore. etugues is the conceptional parent of etugueScore. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (05/2002)]>>more;
tubedBlobs is a java applet showing blobbed tubes. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann (2002)]>>more;
kreistiefe is an interactive java applet. The purely two dimensional images appear three dimensional, especially when the user alters them (i.e. introduces time). The depth perception can further be studied by using the colour sliders of Kreistiefe. [Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz (11/2001)] >>more;
heim@pendel Icon an installation including a Java applet questioning the role of the observer [Nadja Kutz (10/2001)], programming help Tim Hoffmann >>more;
quantum levels are digital prints. The image data for various different parameters are merged together by an artistic choice, serving as a comment to the underlying physical reality. [Nadja Kutz (08/2001)]>>more;
WMY2000 are posters for the math awareness campaign "World mathematical year 2000" (WMY 2000) of the Unesco and the European Mathematical Society (EMS). [Nadja Kutz (1999/2000)]>>more;

 daytar  Ⓒ 2000-2020