Teaching Nadja Kutz

winter 2011/2012supervision of bachelor project at HTW Berlin, Dept. of Media Informatics, please see also the Mimirix website
winter 2008/2009 recitations (2hrs) for lecture "TVI/TMP-TA7: Quantum Information Processing" by Matthias Christandl (graduate level) Dept. of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
summer 2008 Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory (lecture 2 hrs undergraduate/graduate level) Faculty of Mathematics Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan
winter 2007high school teaching (Gymnasium) Berlin, Germany, monthly deputyship Leistungskurs Mathematik 13. Klasse (13 th grade), Natural science/Naturwissenschaften 5./6. Klasse (5th/6th grade)
summer 2005Photovoltaics (2 hrs lecture/2hrs recitations per week), (graduate/undergraduate level) University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (Engineering), Germany
spring 2003 Calculus II, (lecture 2 sections with 3 hrs/week, undergraduate level), Dept. of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
fall 2002 Calculus I, (lecture 2 sections with 3 hrs/week, undergraduate level), Dept. of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
winter 1999/2000 Structure of the Number System, (lecture 4 hrs/week (graduate level) for prospective math teachers), Dept. of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Germany
1986 - 1990Teaching assistant in: Mathematical Physics II + III (graduate level), Calculus I,II,III (for mathematicians, physicists and engineers respectively, undergraduate level), Dept. of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Germany

 daytar  Ⓒ 2000-2020