cloneGiz commands

Further options:

key and mouse commands

A face generated via a formula can be stored in the parent bank by clicking on the arrow to the right of the fromula.

on a face in the parent bank to the right will bring that face into the central panel for closer view.
Shift clicking
on a face in the parent bank to the right will remove that face from the parent bank.
Double clicking
on a face in the parent bank to the right will open a face editor where one can modify the face arbitrarily.
will reset the view.
dragging the mouse away or towards the center while pressing 's' will scale the view.
dragging the mouse while pressing 't' will translate the view.
will toggle some slight movement of the shown face.

the editor

The editor has a toolbox and a main panel. The left view of the face in the main panel is a preview while the right one is for editing. The key commands for scaling translating etc work in both panels too.
Hitting space over the editing view switches to selection mode. The points of all curves in the face are shown and you can select a curve for editing by klicking on one ot its points. From then (until next selection) only the points of the selected curve are shown. Now you can move points by dragging them wih the mouse. Other properties of the selected curve can be changed in the toolbox. You can specify wether the curve should be closed or not (using the "closed" button) you can change the line width and the depth (which curve is drawn ontop of which) using the sliders.
The color chooser and the alpha slider modify the line or fill color and transparency depending on wether the "fillcolor" button is pressed or not.
If the "add point" button is pressed a click somewhere on the curve will insert a point, clicking somewhere else will append a point and shift clicking on a point will delete that point. If there is no curve selected the button will change into "add curve". If pressed then, clicking somewhere will make a new curve (and the state will change into pressed "add point" so that the new curve can be extended easily) and a shift click on an existing curve will delete that curve.
The "face name" text field lets you name the face and the "to ParentBank" button stores the face in the parent bank. If the parent bank contains a face of that name it will be replaced otherwise the face will be added.
The "curve name" and "curve group" fields identify the curve. In a formula the computations are made for each curve in a curve group separately. We suggest to keep the same names for curves and curves group for all parents.

 daytar  Ⓒ 2000-2020